
CRETORE MICRO-CONCRETE is ready to use single component dry powder cementitious material.


•Fresh wet density @27ºC 2150 - 2250 kg/m³ Expansion characteristics Unrestrained expansion 1 to 4% Compressive strength (in N/mm²) (The following results were obtained at water Powder ratio of 0.18 @ 300C). (Tested on 70.6mm cubes as per BS 4551-80) 1 Day 10 N/mm² 3 Days 20 N/mm² 7 Days 30 N/mm² 28 Days 40 N/mm² Flexural strength @ 28 days 3.5 N/mm² Tensile strength @ 28 days 3 N/mm².

 Can be pumped or poured into restricted locations.
 Highly fluid to allow for placement without vibration.
 Pre-packed for better result on site.
 Low permeability.
 Economical.
 Contains no chloride.
 Ease of use

 Structural strengthening measures such as filling honeycombs and cracks.
 Strengthening of vertical columns
 It is mainly recommended for the repair of damaged concrete structures, columns beams, slabs etc. it is also recommended for grouting of large gaps.

 25 kg bags.